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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Nearly everybody has nevi on their skin. The greater number of the nevi  are small and difficult to notice, but there are some which, because of their type and size, cause discomfort and disfigure the good look of the skin. The nevus can be ulcerated and cause a medical problem, if it is on a part of the body exposed to friction with clothes or jewellery. If a nevus has changed its initial color or form, if it bleeds because of injury or because it has been partially removed inadvertantly, it is preferable to make an appointment for a consultation by dermatologist.

Before having an intervention for nevus removal, we would recommend having a consultation by specialist in dermatology with whom you could discuss the options for excision, because not all nevi are subject to removal.   The early and proper diagnosing is extremely important before the removal, and you will discuss this with Dr. Nikolay Georgiev, from whom you will receive the complete information about the methods of nevus removal.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion][vc_tta_section title=”What is a nevus?” tab_id=”1632437496368-a79f327f-5177″][vc_column_text]Nevi, or as they are called in medicine melanocytic nevi, are pigment spots on the skin, which appear as a result of the increased number of melanocytes in the upper layer of the epidermis. The main factor, predetermining the presence of nevi, is heredity. Exposure to sun also causes pigmentations.

Nevi can be innate or appear later on and they vary according to their size and type. The innate ones  appear  with birth and may change their size  over the years. It is possible for some nevi to reach such large dimensions as to cause not only cosmetic or aesthetic problem, but also health problem. The nevi which appear over the years, frequently change their initial form, they become raised, it is possible for them to become covered with hairs and give an unpleasant appearance to the clear skin. Nevi can be brown, and they are the most frequent, and also reddish, pinkish or even bluish.  The people with lighter skin who are more sensitive to ultraviolet rays, are particularly prone to the formation of nevi.

Sometimes the benign nevi go through a change and become malign melanoma, and it is possible for them to cause tumor or carcinoma of the skin. It is desirable to regularly check the large and raised nevi, if there are such, and if there is some change or alteration, immediately consult a specialist, and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight. The early diagnosing of the problem may be of vital importance.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Methods of nevus removal” tab_id=”1632437607659-9d2c85d1-cf51″][vc_column_text]

There are two methods of nevus removal applied at the clinic of Dr. Georgiev: ablation and surgical excision.

Ablation is a radiofrequency electrosurgery method of nevus removal  and generally this is burning of the nevus. A tip of radiofrequency waves is used, with which the nevus is removed. The intervention is nearly bloodless, and the recovery period is minimal. A crust is formed, which within 2-4 weeks falls out on its own and  should not be removed, because it is possible for it to get ulcerated or infected. The procedure demands great precision of  performance. It is important for all the cells to be removed, so that they would not re-appear. With this method no stitches are put.

With risky or potentially cancer nevi it is recommended that the nevus be excised thoroughly in a surgical way, so that the risk of developing cancerogenic cells is entirely eliminated. The visible part is excised (above the skin), the part under it, as well as some part of the neighboring skin is also excised,  and only a fine scar remains. After the unwanted formation is removed, material from it is given to the patient, to be taken for pathohistological test, and it will give exact information about the nature of the formation.

Both the methods of nevus removal are utterly painless, because the site treated is anesthesized in advance with local anaesthetic. After the surgical intervention is over, water-proof adhesive tape is placed, which keeps from contamination and allows trouble-free bathing. It is possible for the site to become red, hot or swallen, but this quickly subsides. On the 7th postoperative day the stiches are removed, and if necessary, new adhesive tapes are put. Up to the time of complete healing, the wound should not be exposed to direct sunlight, and that is why the fall and winter period is the most suitable for doing the procedure.

Several nevi can be removed with one intervention.

The following adverse reactions are possible after the intervention: reddening, infection, haematoma, scar, necrosis of the skin, relapse, reduced sensistivity, but they subside with time.

Apart from nevi, lesions, lipomas, atheromas and other unwanted benign formations of the body and of the face can be removed.


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